If you have thin, dull or poor quality hair, it makes your hair thin and flat and are prone for hair fall. The main reason for this condition could be improper nutrition and reduced blood supply to the hair root. To get your bounce back our MINI REGROW THERAPY is the solution for you. As this therapy is targeted towards regaining blood supply and supplying nutrients (specific for hair growth and health), it will improve your hair quality naturally.


Initial thinning is the right time to treat your hair fall before it is too late. As soon as you see signs of hair fall i.e. lots of hair on your pillow or on towel, it is a sign of hair fall and progression towards thinning and ultimately partial or complete baldness.

Early intervention at this stage may reverse the process and if not 100% reversal, you may get maximum hair back and healthy hair. Our REGROW THERAPY is the solution for this. It is the most modern and evidence based therapy. Most of the world’s leading trichologists are using the therapy for hair rejuvenation and restoration as a independent or combination with hair transplant.


Scalp visibility in normal light and in wet hair is concerning to most of the male and they try to hide it or camouflage it. This condition is very frustrating ang most of the male start to lose confidence in this stage of balding. So early intervention at this stage for reversal of the progress will avoid baldness and further loss of confidence and more advanced situation which is difficult to treat. The process can be reversed and natural density can be achieved with REGROW THERAPY. Even if complete natural density cannot be achieved, the amount of grafts required can be considerably reduced and complete coverage can be possible with combination of BIO FUE&T and REGROW THERAPY.


Male pattern baldness or ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA has typical pattern of baldness where frontal hair line goes back with both the temples or side of the head becomes bald with or without back round bald patch called vertex. This is said to be the ideal situation for hair transplant as the amount of hair lost are minimal so the amount of hair required are also lesser and can be packed densely in smaller area; so more natural results can be achieved and can be blended with the natural hair. MAX BIO FUE&T and REGROW therapy are ideal for this condition where the lost area can be restored and the natural hair can be retained simultaneously; results in more dense and natural look.


Complete baldness can be of different pattern as shown in the image.

The treatment remains the same i.e. hair transplant. We in our centre follow the most advanced and sophisticated method of doing hair transplant. MEGA BIO FUE&T with or without REGROW therapy is the treatment option.


Not happy with your previous hair transplant; not got the natural hair line or density, don’t worry come to us, we can help you with correcting hair line and adding up the density.

Being facial cosmetic surgeon, senior consultant Dr Rahul Bagrecha is expert in understanding the aesthetic of your face with respect to your hair line and getting the ideal proportion back according to you age, facial shape and structure, ethnicity. Every individual cannot have same hair line which are unfortunately been given at most of the hair transplant centres, this is mechanical hair transplant without considering the individuality of the person. We give unique hair line to every person with best aesthetic outcome.


Most important part of hair styling is hair line, which is the most prominent and important part of styling and look. As our doctor is facial cosmetic surgeon, the aesthetic of face, symmetry in accordance with hair line which suits your face is where our expertly lies.

Already done poor hair line from old hair transplant, both design wise and density wise, come to us for the correction.


Yes females also can do hair transplant in some unfortunate situations where natural regrowth is impossible and severe hair loss causing thinning in hair line and embarrassing situation. Females with some hormonal conditions also loose hair, which are impossible to correct with medicines these are the candidates for hair transplant. Some females are unhappy with their hair line, it also can be corrected by hair line designs, which is our speciality.